Please NOTE...

Please Note... This website is for locating information. I would spend days looking for certain things, so I decided to share with you my findings. I make no claim in saying this is my words or work. I am just simply sharing links, and websites with you. Make sure you leave comments on their pages. They will appreciate it, and so will I... With much respect...Julie

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Personalize Buttons

Since I had such a hard time finding it, I wanted to be sure to share the process with my readers in case you are wanting to add this to your site.This is what I read on Kimberly's Blog, and needless to say, it was music to my ears... I spent days searching for something that I had no idea what they called it either. I just knew that it was called a button... Have you ever played that game button button who's got the button... Well my search kinda went like that! Good Luck to me in ever finding this! Oh about a week maybe... It's a good thing I am a little determined in my learning how to set up my blog...
I am putting Kimberly's BUTTON here avail for you to grab it!! You'll love and enjoy her blog. This will be the 7th time I have pasted it here... I am now learning that you do not go back and disturb it all all, because it can disappear!!! All this for a crazy button... YEP... : )

How to Add “Grab My Button” To Your Sidebar (or even a web post)
These instructions include the HTML language for this task.  In WordPress, you could type this into a post in the HTML view or add to your sidebar by adding a textbox and including the entire code.

Step 1: Add a picture of you button (so people know what they are grabbing)
To do this, you’ll create and upload your button either to your blog images file or an outside source such as photobucket.  You’ll need to know the exact location of your image. URL  You probably know this code, but just in case, the HTML for inserting the button linked back to your site:

For an example, this is what my code looks like:

Step 2: Adding a Text Box with the Code for your Button
This is where I was running into problems. I didn’t realize it was a text box/area. The code looks almost identical to the code you used above except you have to surround it with the text box/area html

The command rows and cols defines how large the box will be. You can change these numbers as you see fit to adjust the size of your text box. The first number (rows) defines how tall the box will be, and the second number (cols) defines how wide the textbox is. The next part (readonly) is optional. You could delete the entire command and it would still function; however, I chose to include it as it prevents someone from accidentally hitting a button and changing the code during the copy/paste process. The is what actually appears in the text box.  Here is my actual instructions:

When you put all of this together, this is how it looks.

gif maker
Gif maker


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