Please NOTE...

Please Note... This website is for locating information. I would spend days looking for certain things, so I decided to share with you my findings. I make no claim in saying this is my words or work. I am just simply sharing links, and websites with you. Make sure you leave comments on their pages. They will appreciate it, and so will I... With much respect...Julie

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If you know where to look, you can pick up a lot of free stuff and save money! I'd love to hear about the FREE Stuff you have found.... Let's keep this list growing!!!

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Get your free copy of "How To Build A Huge Organization Part Time"

In this 20 page report, Tim Sales will show you exactly how he built an organization of 20,124 distributors while he was working full time at his job in the U.S. Navy.
These are ideas you can put to use right now, no matter how much or how little time you have to devote to your business.

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I Love Love Love Tim Sales. I signed up for Tim's Newsletter about three ears ago, and I highly recommend it. Grab it today...
Volition is the original freebie website started by Ray Sola over a decade ago.

FatWallet offers cash back for registered users who purchase goods and services through their website.4. StartSampling


BzzAgent is a word-of-mouth promotional website. When you sign up as a Bzz Agent, you’ll receive free products and coupons. The point is for you to spread the word about new goods and services that you’re able to try out for free. Hence, you’re encouraged to “share the Bzz” with others, or report about the products and items that you sample.

Once your Bzz (i.e. your opinions and views about what you’ve sampled) at the site gets reviewed and approved for others to see, you’ll then earn points at another site called MyPoints. It’s quite the perfect combination where you can “double your rewards” and “kill two birds with one stone”, so to speak, because you’re able to get free stuff at BzzAgent to sample, plus you’re also able to “earn” free gift certificates at MyPoints by simply sharing and talking about the free goodies you’ve tried out at BzzAgent.

Edit digital photos 


Edit digital photos...

Free! No registration required.

  • Fix your photos in just one click
  • Use advanced controls to fine-tune your results
  • Crop, resize, and rotate in real-time
  • Tons of special effects, from artsy to fun
  • Astoundingly fast, right in your browser
  • Awesome fonts and top-quality type tool
  • Basketfuls of shapes from hand-picked designers
  • Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux
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  • All this for free! Want more? Upgrade to
    Picnik Premium for only $24.95 a year!
When Bitnik, Inc was created, our founders envisioned making great software for real people and giving users the power to edit digital photos in their browser, without having to purchase or download complicated software. While our first office in 2005 only had two desks, today we’ve grown to 20 employees and have become the world’s most fun online photo editor, with millions of visitors every month. As we’ve grown together over the years, we’ve worked hard to build a company of great people creating great software. We think our emphasis on strong partnerships, a fun culture and you, our users, is what has made Picnik so awesome.

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