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Please Note... This website is for locating information. I would spend days looking for certain things, so I decided to share with you my findings. I make no claim in saying this is my words or work. I am just simply sharing links, and websites with you. Make sure you leave comments on their pages. They will appreciate it, and so will I... With much respect...Julie

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Branding Yourself

When I was a very young girl, living in a small country town in Utah, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. My grandfather had quit a few cows and I was always eager to help him brand his cows. Now I know that must sound crazy to you, yes it sounds crazy to me too... The smell of the branding was enough to drive any one away, but I always stuck it out and helped him in any way I could. I had a lot of questions for my grandfather, as we worked hard together along with some of my cousin's that would join in on this very important day.. Branding day!!! I remember being couious about why he would go thru so much trouble getting the herd together, getting them into the stall's, listening to them MOOOOOOOOOOO oh so loud, and then again that SMELL... SO I asked: Grandpa why do you brand your cows any way? Don't you know that it is hurting them! And he explained to me that if they ever got lost, or stolen then he could find them with this special brand that he burned into them! Oh I said... My special brand is a way of telling others that they belong to me... This brand symbolizes FRANK ADAMS, my grandfather...


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